Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Food Additives - Failsafe eating for you and your family.

We're all aware there are ingredients lists on every packaged item of food we buy. But do you know what's ok and what's not ok and why it isn't ok?

It's all supposed to be safe, according to the governing bodies of the food industry, but as even their caveats say: there will always be individuals who suffer adverse reactions. What they're refusing to acknowledge, or perhaps define, is what is acceptable and what's "adverse" More and more there are findings that food additives have adverse effects on children's learning, behaviour and development and that they're not good for grown-ups either.

In looking for some specific information yesterday I came across the the Food Intolerance Network. It's written and maintained by psychology graduate and former high school teacher, Sue Dengate. Sue is based in the Northern Territory and has spent much time travelling and researching to bring you the information here. The site isn't the easiest to navigate but it's well worth the search and is information rich. Visit the Food Intolerance Network site by clicking here to find out more about the effects of what's in your food on you and your family.