It's been a while since I've been here! For anyone wondering, I did manage to create a very tasty Gluten Free Sourdough loaf. It didn't rise the way I'd hoped, even though I was aware of it's very delicate nature and of course didn't knead it a second time as that would have completely knocked the 'stuffing' out of it. At the time I suspected it had something to do with the fact that without the gluten, there is very little structure to hold the 'rise' in the loaf (not sure if "rise" is really a noun, but it if not before , it is now). I resolved to try again with more loaf mixture and a greater percentage of Starter, but the weather got colder again and I didn't move forward with it. And then Summer was just crazy, so here I am, nearly a year later, and no further GF Sourdough advancements, but at least with intention to not let the warmth, and therfore natural sourdough generating conditions, get away from me this year.
Now, despite my disappointment with the rise of the loaf, the taste was SENSATIONAL. It was very full flavoured with a great sourness: much to my delight, and that of my partner. The taste might be a bit strong in all applications, but for the point of Sourdough, it excelled and I'm putting it down to the Amaranth, which did do a fake rise (the one referred to in my last post), scared me for a while with no further activity (thought I'd killed it) and then later on developed well. So that's the debrief of the great Gluten Free Sourdough experiment of 2007 and the answer to "Can you make Gluten Free Sourdough?" is most emphatically "Yes!" - as long as you can accept the lack of rise for now. There will be further development in my kitchen and I'll pass on the news.