Fantastic Fruit Sorbet!

Look what I found! A really simple recipe for the most amazing sorbet (courtesy of!
I know, I know, sorbet isn't traditionally thought of as good for you food - more often if fits only in the "easy" food category, being full of added sugar, preservatives, additives, and questionable emulsifiers with very low nutrient density. As long as you don't have allergies to the fruits in the ingredient list of this fantastic recipe, I highly recommend that that you try out this delicious 100% fruit sorbet: Mango and Lime Sorbet.
This Sorbet is different. It meets all our criteria for good-for-you-food.
It's a fabulous marriage of "Nature's Sweeties" that will leave you truly satisfied without aggravating your sugar cravings - that's right - 100% Fruit sorbet! Why have we put it in the good-for-you food category as opposed to the 'easy' food category? Read on!
- 100% fresh fruit and Whole-fruit ingredients
- No added sugar and No sugar substitutes
- No preservatives, additives or emulsifiers that you'd find in a shop-bought sorbet
- An exotic Icy treat whether you're sweltering Australia or experiencing a very chilly winter around the world
- Stacked full of great-for-you, energy-providing and recovery vitamins and minerals served in their natural states: a real, whole-food supply of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorous and Magnesium (Source: )
- Natural fruit sugars the way we were meant to consume them - sweetness along with loads of nutrients and fibre - so you'll feel satisfied with one sensible sized serving.
- REALLY quick and easy to make!
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